My first two tables were large circular tables without a semi-precious focus stone. The first two used used wagon wheel rims for the edges, but they are too expensive for most people now.
I still make that kind of table and show two recent examples here where I have made my own simulated wagon wheel rims from thin strips of steel with a patina like the antique wagon wheels.
I had 2 36" diameter i/2 circule cut out of a large sandstone and used one of them and bits and pieces of the leftover stone to make Arches (above). I had so much fun organizing bits and pieces into patterns that I made the table below with the rest of the leftover pieces. The gradation from large pieces to small was intentional. I study space phyics in my day job. The pattern reflects a turbulent process that converts large scale plasma structures to smaller ones...hence the name Turbulence.
Turbulence is for sale on I'll deliver it for free to any street addrress in Coloradol