This table features a slab of Tiffany Sone that I bought it at a local gem and mineral show several years ago. I have never had a base that I thought met its need to show off.
If you don't know, Tiffany stone is one of the names of a beryllium ore mined in Utah. Most of the rock is ground up and processed, but some stones find their way out where they are slabbed, pollished, and sold at gem and mineral shows.....or so I was told by google.
Last year one of my customers gave me a tiled table that had seen better days. It had been used outdoors and many of the tiles had fallen out. I took out the old tiles, repainted the base and realized that my Tiffany stone had found its home. The result you see above and below is the first table I've finished in 2020, its the 155th I've made.
When someone gives me a stone or base to include in a new table, I give them first chance to buy the finished product. The doner of this base wants it back!
If you have a base you'd like to have topped, contact me.